Information for Authors

Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) is a publisher of scholarly open access journals, upholding a peer-reviewed, rapid, and rigorous manuscript handling and editorial process.

As one of the advocates of open access, we strongly believe in the power of knowledge dissemination. We provide comprehensive resources and guidance to facilitate a smooth and successful publication journey. From manuscript submission to post-acceptance processes, our dedicated team is here to guide you at every stage.

By choosing SciencePG, your research gains broader visibility and impact, reaching a global audience of scholars and professionals.

Publish an Article with SciencePG

Publish with SciencePG and Benefit from:

An easy-to-use manuscript submission system, without manuscript formatting requirements.
High editorial standards, ensuring all published manuscripts undergo an in-depth peer review process.
Quick, efficient publication with full transparency on all publishing metrics and turnaround times.
Increased impact, reach, and visibility of your research through open access.
Retention of all ownership and copyright of your published research.

If you plan to submit an article to one of our journals, or have any questions during the publication process, this section will guide you through manuscript submission, production and the services you can expect after your article’s publication.

Publishing Policies

Copyright and Licensing

Articles published by SciencePG journals are under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) ( license, allowing users to copy, distribute and transmit an article and adapt the article and make commercial use of the article. The CC BY license permits commercial and non-commercial re-use of an open access article, as long as the author is properly attributed. This ensures that the work gets maximum exposure, and the authors receive due credit for their contribution.

Copyright on any open access article published by Science Publishing Group is retained by the author(s). Authors grant Science Publishing Group a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its original authors, citation details and publisher are identified.

Peer Review Policy

At SciencePG, we are committed to upholding the integrity of the academic record by conducting a robust peer review process.

Upon submission, our editorial team carefully assesses each manuscript to ensure it aligns with our submission guidelines and falls within the scope of the journal. If found suitable, the manuscript is sent to a minimum of two independent reviewers who are experts in the field. These reviewers are asked to provide detailed, constructive feedback and recommend whether the manuscript should be accepted, revised, or rejected.

Reviewers' comments are taken into consideration by the handling editor who makes the final decision on the manuscript. The process is designed to ensure that each submission receives fair and unbiased evaluation.

We take the confidentiality of the review process seriously. Neither reviewers nor authors can disclose their identities or share any part of the review process publicly without mutual consent.

Our peer review policy aims to ensure the quality and reliability of published articles, maintain the trust of the scientific community, and contribute to the dissemination of high-quality scholarly work.

Ethical Guidelines for Authors

As part of SciencePG's commitment to maintaining the highest levels of academic integrity and standards, authors submitting their manuscripts to SciencePG journals must ensure that they follow our ethical guidelines. We encourage authors to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and adhere to them throughout the process of manuscript preparation and submission.

Authors submitting to SciencePG journals must ensure the ethical soundness of their research and abide by the following guidelines:

  • Accurate Presentation

    Authors should truthfully present their research findings and discuss their significance objectively, without overstatement or misinterpretation.

  • Authorship

    All individuals who meet the authorship criteria should be included as authors, with their specific contributions accurately acknowledged. Only those who made substantial contributions should be listed as authors.

  • Conflict of Interest

    Any potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the time of submission. This includes, but is not limited to, financial, personal, or other relationships that might influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript.

  • Data Integrity

    Authors should provide detailed and replicable methodologies, with raw data made publicly available unless there is a compelling reason for its protection, such as confidentiality or security.

  • Simultaneous Submission

    Authors must not submit the same manuscript simultaneously to more than one journal, to ensure the uniqueness and originality of each submission.

  • Originality

    Research results should be novel and not previously published. Any form of plagiarism or duplicate publication will not be tolerated.

  • Permissions

    Authors should obtain appropriate permissions for the use of any previously published content, including text, images, tables, etc., in their manuscript.

  • Error Correction

    Any errors or inaccuracies discovered after submission or publication should be promptly communicated to SciencePG for correction or retraction as necessary.

  • Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Any use of AI tools in the research process must be clearly declared. Undisclosed or inappropriate use of AI, including to manipulate results or the publication process, will be treated as an ethical breach.

Non-compliance with these guidelines may lead to manuscript rejection or retraction and other consequences as per SciencePG's editorial policies. Authors can refer to our full Ethics Guidelines for a more detailed understanding.

Article Processing Charges (APCs) and Funding

What are Article Processing Charges?

SciencePG follows a fully open access publishing model, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. All articles published in our journals will be immediately and permanently free to access by everyone. This is made possible by an article processing charge (APC) collected from authors' institutes or research funding bodies to cover the costs associated with various publishing services:

  • Editorial Work

    This includes peer review, administrative support, content commissioning, and journal development.

  • Technical Infrastructure and Innovation

    This involves the development, maintenance, and operation of our online journal systems and websites.

  • Article Production

    This process includes the formatting and markup of articles and their inclusion in indexing services.

  • Marketing

    Ensuring that readers and authors are aware of the work published in our journals is crucial, hence marketing is a key component of our expenses.

  • Customer Service

    Our team is always ready to respond to authors and readers, maintaining a high standard of customer service.

Journal Article Processing Charges

SciencePG’s APC prices are set on a per journal basis to accommodate the diverse scopes, disciplinary areas, and publishing requirements of each journal.

Discounts and Waivers

Automatic discounts are given to authors from low-income countries or lower-middle-income countries (classified by the world bank, learn more, click: ).

Waivers may be considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the quality of the research article and the authors' financial need.

Conditions for Additional Article Processing Charges

The standard length for an article typically falls within the range of 4 to 25 pages. For articles that exceed the 25-page limit, an extra charge of 50 USD per additional page will be applied for each page beyond the initial 25 pages.

Who is Responsible for Paying the Article Processing Charge?

Upon editorial acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will be notified about the payment issue. The charge is typically covered by the author, funder, institution, or employer.

When and How do Authors Pay?

The corresponding or submitting author needs to arrange payment of the article processing charge unless a waiver has been granted. Following peer review, once a manuscript has received editorial acceptance in principle, the article processing charge becomes payable and formatting checks on the manuscript will commence. Once formatting checks are completed, and payment of the article processing charge has been received, the article will be published.

SciencePG currently supports the following payment methods:

Debit or Credit Card
Wire Transfer

Funding of Open Access Article

Organizations, including institutions, funders, societies, and various entities worldwide, have implemented Open Access (OA) mandates, which serve as directives or requirements for their associated authors. These mandates serve to promote and enforce the practice of freely sharing research findings and data with the public.

To provide transparency and information on open access mandates and policies, the Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies (ROARMAP) offers a comprehensive and searchable database. For more detailed information, we invite you to visit the official homepage of the Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies (ROARMAP).

Through the adoption of OA mandates, funding support, and participation in programs like ROARMAP, SciencePG aims to facilitate the widespread availability of research findings, enhance collaboration, and promote the exchange of knowledge for the benefit of the global scientific community.


What is ORCID

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an open, non-proprietary, transparent, and mobile registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars. It provides a distinct and permanent digital identifier that separates you from every other researcher, even those with the same name. Through its integration into key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submissions, ORCID facilitates automatic connections between you, your research outputs, and professional activities, ensuring your work is properly recognized.

Why Should You Use ORCID?

Currently, more than 4.5 million active ORCID iDs are connected to over 30 million different research outputs (publications, datasets, patents, etc.), involving thousands of institutes worldwide

Regardless of your field of study or workplace, it's vital for your reputation and career that research and scholarly organizations, funders, publishers, academic societies, and your peers can quickly and unequivocally identify and attribute your work, and only your work, to you. ORCID simplifies the process of reliably linking your unique identity with your contributions such as datasets, journal articles, books, media stories, and patents, even when your name is expressed differently among these records.

ORCID gives you ownership of your record of contributions. It allows you to consolidate all your key information in one location, and you control your own privacy settings. This includes deciding what information is displayed publicly, what is shared only with trusted partners, and who these trusted partners are. SciencePG encourages all authors to use ORCID to facilitate the proper attribution and recognition of their work.

How do I Get an ORCID iD?

  • How to get an ORCID iD

    Any author or researcher can obtain their unique ORCID identifier by visiting and following the simple registration process.

  • Building Your ORCID Record

    After registering for an ORCID iD, the next step is to cultivate your ORCID record. Fortunately, organizations and platforms with which you're already affiliated can accomplish most of this task for you. You can also use your ORCID to get credit for your peer review activities. For more tips on constructing a comprehensive ORCID record, refer to ORCID's guide here: