Education Journal

Special Issue

Initiatives of Primary Education in Developing Countries

  • Submission Deadline: 15 May 2020
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: ANANDA MAJUMDAR
About This Special Issue
Education is the weapon of human development, if we can start from the beginning that would be great, therefore initiative of the development of primary education which relates from our childhood in the name of early childhood education or primary education needs to be updated through universal education launched by the United Nations and its modernization of lesson plan, technically we called modern attitude. There’s a global standard of education through which developing countries can be developed if they follow by launching in their educational institutes, changing their own educational plan and come out from a traditional European lesson to a life skill development lesson plan. Newly curriculum of educational plan can give this award of every children, women and adult of developing countries, and in developed countries as well. Newly Curriculum lesson plan designed by teachers professional development through pedagogical skills, their development by economic reward, recognition and thus it can reflects on student education as well to accepting a good quality education for the changes of their social-economic circumstances as well as changes of economic order of the countries and thus to be equally co-operative with developed countries to create a beautiful educated world where no war, communalities exists. It is a dream still but it can be a reality through the establishment of quality education and to educate into this system. True education can give us everything that we expect in our subconscious mind. Purpose of this essay is to explore and understand about a meaningful module of primary education that can be prosperous for entire human being worldwide, we need analysis of its pros and cons, which I discussed here and thus I tried to focus on a true module of education and it’s modern attitude that can be set up on the base of gender and communities equality, equity, communal peace, and by forgetting differences among us. From adult education, child education, women education to newly curriculum skills development, development of pedagogy skills, I can say that it is entirely depends on those issues that I already mentioned. We can build a true global village by the establishment of meaningful primary education for the wellbeing of humankind if we forget differences among us and be a true minded personality. The special issue Initiatives of Primary Education in Developing Countries is a series of articles under International development and I would like to pursue my Ph.D. in International Development, therefore it is my readiness as well.

Aims and Scope:

  1. Universal Education
  2. Bilingualism and Learning Talk by Talking as a Modern Way of Education by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Dr. Catherine Snow
  3. Play Work at Leeds University
  4. Article 31 of the UNCRC
  5. Modern Attitude
  6. Women, Child, Adult Education through Literacy
Lead Guest Editor

    The University of Alberta, Harvard Graduate School of Education , Faculty of Education, Edmonton, Canada

Guest Editors
  • Austin Mardon

    Department of Psychiatry & John Dossetor Health Ethics Centre,University of Alberta, ‎Edmonton, Canada

  • Catherine Mardon

    Golden Meteorite Press, Antarctic Institution of Canada, ‎Edmonton, Canada

  • Suvhayan Mukherjee

    Faculty of Computer Science,University of Alberta, ‎Edmonton, Canada

  • Riley Witiw

    Faculty of Fine Arts & Communication,Grant MacEwan University, ‎Edmonton, Canada

  • Zach Schauer

    Grant MacEwan University, ‎Edmonton, Canada

  • Zorik Svetazar Zirnov

    Faculty of Business(Accounting), Grant MacEwan University, ‎Edmonton, Canada

  • Hasbi Sjamsir

    Ece Department, College Education Mulawarman University, East Borneo, Indonesia